- President Donald J. Trump, Truth Social Post 3/16/23
In 2023, Florida passed a Big Insurance Welfare and Bailout bill. President Trump warned against this handout to Woke Big Insurance disguised as “Tort Reform,” but the Insurance Lobby pushed it through in Florida anyway.
The result? The bill did NOTHING to lower insurance rates or increase protections for consumers. President Trump was exactly right. And now Big Insurance wants to come to South Carolina and do the same thing.
South Carolinians WILL NOT BE FOOLED.
Republican governor jeff landry of louisiana:
“Insurance and business lobbyists promised tort reform would reduce car insurance rates...[But] louisiana citizens have not seen car insurance rates fall.”
In 2020, Louisiana got duped by Big Insurance, too. MAGA Governor Jeff Landry explained the deception best:
“In 2020, the Louisiana Legislature passed a comprehensive reform package known as the Louisiana Civil Reform Act of 2020….The insurance commissioner at the time, Jim Donelon, along with Insurance and Business Lobbyists promised the 2020 Tort Reform would reduce car insurance rates in Louisiana by as much as 25% within a year of the act taking effect. Since 2020, Louisiana citizens have not seen car insurance rates fall. Instead, car insurance rates continue to rise, which reminds me of the adage, ‘fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’ Louisiana citizens will not be fooled.”
What is “reform insurance now SC”?
Reform Insurance Now SC is a grassroots organization of regular folks and small business owners in South Carolina who are dedicated to protecting South Carolinians from predatory insurance practices and fighting against Big Insurance's attempts to rig the system in their favor. We stand for fairness, accountability, and consumer protection against corporate overreach.
I thought “Tort reform” was a good thing?
So did we — but this legislation pending in the Statehouse in 2025 is far from the honest, conservative ideal of “reform.” Instead, Woke Big Insurance is trying to dupe us by calling this huge, omnibus spending and regulatory increase bill a “reform” bill.
What’s actually happening is that this legislation would give Big Insurance a HUGE “BAILOUT” (in President Trump’s words) while also simultaneously making it harder for South Carolinians to get what they need from their insurance carriers when bad things happen to them and they have to make a claim. We’ve all seen what happened in Western North Carolina after Hurricane Helene, when insurers were denying legitimate claims by their insured customers left and right — this legislation would embolden Big Insurance to act that way with their insured customers in South Carolina, too, by eroding the consumer protections currently enshrined in South Carolina law and carefully guarded over 200+ years of conservative jurisprudence.
When you give more power to a Big Insurance company, it never helps the actual People. South Carolinians will not be fooled — we demand a stop to S.244 and H.3849, the 2025 “Big Insurance Bailout Bill” that President Trump warned us against!
Who are the biggest entities pushing THESE BIG INSURANCE BAILOUT BILLS in 2025?
Big Insurance — i.e. the woke corporate Insurance industry, their millionaire CEO’s, and the Corporate Lobbyists who they employ. Don’t take our word for it — look at what Evan Greenberg, the Chairman and CEO of Chubb, one of the biggest insurance companies in the world, said in 2024 at a special meeting in California of the Risk Management Society, which is a consortium of Big Insurance corporate elites from all over the globe:
“Corporations should prepare to fund, with support from insurers, a long-term ‘tort reform’ campaign…It’s going to take money. It’s going to take talent. It’s going to have to be approached like a long-term political campaign.”
So, it’s no secret who is funding these efforts — it’s Big Insurance and the corporate elites from all over the globe who support their efforts and continue to put Profits Over People.
Oh, and did we mention? According to S&P Global in their August 22, 2024 report, Evan Greenberg — the same insurance CEO quoted above — made $27,700,000 as his salary from Chubb that year. That’s almost $28 million dollars in annual compensation in just one year, but apparently that’s still not enough, which is why Big Insurance is seeking this power-grab of handouts through the 2025 Big Insurance Bailout Bill here in South Carolina.
You tell us who South Carolina’s legislators are looking out for when they consider legislation that would enrich Big Insurance corporations and their CEO’s at the expense of regular folks in South Carolina. It’s unconscionable. South Carolinians’ insurance premiums should stay in South Carolina to benefit South Carolinians. Our premiums shouldn’t go to enriching huge corporations headquartered thousands of miles away from our state. (See the list below to see where these insurance companies are headquartered:)
Allstate - headquartered in Chicago
Liberty Mutual - headquartered in Boston
Farmers - headquartered in Los Angeles, California
GEICO - headquartered outside Washington, DC
Nationwide - headquartered in Columbus, OH
Progressive - headquartered in Cleveland, OH
State Farm - headquartered in Bloomington, IL
It’s time our legislators in Columbia looked out for Columbia and the rest of our state for a change…call your state Senator or House Member right now and tell them to vote NO on legislation that sends money away from our state, enriching Big Insurance while doing nothing to help our people.
If our own elected representatives can’t put us—their actual constituents—first on a bill like this, then we need to start looking for the next candidates to replace them with in Columbia.
What are the bills we need to be fighting against?
In 2025, we need to push back specifically with our legislators against Senate Bill S.244 and House Bill H.3849. These bills systematically dismantle a number of critical protections enshrined in South Carolina law that for decades have helped victims of drunk drivers, natural disasters, and devastating accidents make successful recoveries from insurance companies when bad things have happened to them.
And the thing that neither of these bills DOES actually do? Neither bill creates a legal mechanism to require insurers to pass their savings on to their customers in South Carolina in the form of a rate decrease. So neither of these bills will make rates go down — they will simply empower Big Insurance, dismantle consumer protections, and make it even harder for South Carolinians to recover when the unimaginable happens to them.
Fill out the contact form here, and let us know what questions you have — we are happy to help educate you on the issues, and to keep you informed when things are happening at the Statehouse.
WHAT CAN I DO TO take action?
Click here to find out who your state Senator and Representatives are, and then call their offices — you may not get them specifically, which is fine, but whatever staffer does pick up, tell them that you are FIRMLY OPPOSED to S.244 and H.3849, and that you stand with President Trump and thousands more South Carolinians in rejecting a power grab by Big Insurance that would hurt normal folks in our state while enriching corporate interests. It is time to stand up and make your voice heard, and every phone call, every voicemail, every email, and every letter counts!